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来源:   作者:   发布日期:2025-03-12     浏览次数:



系    室农业经济学系农林经济管理教研室

职    称讲师



邮      箱 :jrhuang@nwafu.edu.cn

办 公 室 :经济管理学院B514西室










1. 科研项目

[1] 儿童发展GPS项目,陈一丹公益慈善基金会,参与,2022-2023

[2] 农村儿童视力健康服务寻求行为干预策略与评估:基于随机干预实验的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,参与,2019-2021

[3] 户外活动较眼保健操对学生视力防护的影响评估,研究生创新基金重点项目,主持,2017-2019

2. 发表论文

[1] Juerong Huang, Hongjing Dang, Yue Hu and Qihui Chen. Effects of Hypertension Diagnoses on Alcohol Consumption among Chinese Adults —A Two-Dimensional Regression Discontinuity Analysis[J]. Journal of Wine Economics, 2024, 19(2): 156-189.

[2] Juerong Huang, Qiran Zhao, Juan Liu and Qihui Chen. Policy-induced Fertility Decline and the Unmet Demand of Old-Age Social Support in Rural China[J]. Applied Economics Letters, 2024, 2: 1-7.

[3] Qihui Chen, Juerong Huang and Chunchen Pei. A neglected health burden of shadow education?—Effects of private supplementary tutoring on middle school students’ vision in China[J]. Children and Youth Services Review, 2024, 158: 107463.

[4] Juerong Huang, Yan Cai and Qihui Chen. Will Disease awareness induce healthier behaviour?―A regression-discontinuity analysis of effects of myopia diagnosis among Chinese adolescents[J]. Applied Economics, 2024, 56(59): 8991–9013.

[5] Juerong Huang and Qihui Chen. Should myopic students wear eyeglasses? —A regression discontinuity analysis[J]. Applied Economics Letters, 2023, 30 (16): 2149–55.

[6] Juerong Huang, Hongjing Dang, Yan Cai, Juan Liu, and Qihui Chen. Myopia and Depression among Middle School Students in China—Is There a Mediating Role for Wearing Eyeglasses?[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19.(20): 13031.

[7] Yunyun Zhang, Hongyu Guan, Kang Du and Juerong Huang. The Impact of Message Framing on Uptake of Vision Health Services for Rural Students in China: A Randomized Control Trial[J]. China Economic Review, 2022, 76(2022): 101855.

[8] Qihui Chen, Chunchen Pei, Juerong Huang and Guoqaing Tian. Public Health Insurance and Enrollees’ Diet Structure in Rural China[J]. Heliyon, 2022, 8(5): e09382.

[9] Juerong Huang, Kang Du, Hongyu Guan, Yuxiu Ding, Yunyun Zhang, Decai Wang and Huan Wang. The Role of Village Doctors in Residents’ Uptake of Eye Screening: Evidence from Ageing Residents in Rural China[J]. Healthcare, 2022, 10: 1197.

[10] Kang Du, Juerong Huang, Hongyu Guan, Jin Zhao, Yunyun Zhang and Yaojiang Shi. Teacher-to-Parent Communication and Vision Care–seeking Behaviour among Primary School Students[J]. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 2022, 28(2):152–60.

[11] Juerong Huang, Qihui Chen, Kang Du and Hongyu Guan. Does Performing the Chinese Eye Exercises Help Protect Children’s Vision? – New Evidence from Primary Schools in Rural Northwestern China[J]. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2020, 2020(13): 2425–2438.

[12] Hongyu Guan, Huan Wang, Juerong Huang, Kang Du, Jin Zhao, Matthew Boswell, Yaojiang Shi, Mony Iyer and Scott Rozelle. Health Seeking Behavior among Rural Left-Behind Children: Evidence from Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(5): 883.

[13] 杜康,黄珏瑢,关宏宇,史耀疆. 西部农村学校同伴效应对青少年近视的影响[J]. 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 22(01): 77–87.

[14] 黄珏瑢,张云云,杜康,赵锦,李莉莉,关宏宇. 西部地区城乡学生视力不良及矫正情况比较[J].中国公共卫生,2020,36(06):849-852.

[15] 杜康,黄珏瑢,马跃,史耀疆,关宏宇. 西部农村中小学生视力不良与住校关系.中国公共卫生, 2019, 35(01): 5-9.

[16] 关宏宇,黄珏瑢,杜康. 西部农村小学生不同年份视力不良比较分析.中国公共卫生, 2018, 34(08): 1096-1101.

3. 学术会议报告

[1] 美国农业与应用经济学协会(Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting)入选论文. 2023.08.

[2] 中国留美经济学会(The Chinese Economists Society)入选论文, 报告人. 2023.06.

[3] 人力资本与劳动经济国际研讨会(The 14th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets)入选论文, 报告人. 2022.12.

[4] 北京农业经济学会2022学术年会入选论文, 报告人. 2022.11.

[5] 美国农业与应用经济学协会(Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting)入选论文, 报告人. 2022.08.

[6] 中国留美经济学会(The Chinese Economists Society)入选论文, 报告人. 2022.06.

[7] 中国农业经济评论国际学术年会(The 11th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference)入选论文, 报告人. 2019.10.


[1] 大北农励志奖学金(2022)、三好学生(2022)、博士研究生一等奖学金(2021-2022)、博士研究生二等学业奖学金(2020)

[2] 陕西师范大学优秀毕业生(2019)、硕士积学奖学金(2017-2018)